How do I manage Meta ads?

Learn how to edit ad content, manage media placements, and set up tracking parameters for your Meta ads in Marvia.

Note: This is part of managing your Meta campaign. For ad set management, see How to manage a Meta ad set

Adding Ad content

⚠️ Warning: any content added or modified in Marvia will overwrite the corresponding settings in Meta Ads Manager.

1.  Add primary text

  1. Enter your ad's main text in the designated field
  2. This text appears prominently in your ad
  3. Optional: use variable fields by clicking the { } icon at the end of the text field. This allows you to generate variable text per location in bulk

    Example: "Now available at " will display as:
      • "Now available at ViaMar Portland"
      • "Now available at ViaMar New York"

2.  Add a headline

  1. Enter your ad's headline in the designated field
  2. The headline should be concise and attention-grabbing
  3. Optional: use variable fields by clicking the { } icon at the end of the text field. 

3.  Add a description

  1. Enter your ad's description in the designated field
  2. The description should provide additional details about your product or service
  3. Optional: use variable fields by clicking the { } icon at the end of the text field.

adding content meta ad campaign

Add a destination website

Enter the URL for the web page you want people to visit after they click on the ad

Setting tracking parameters (optional)

Enter additional tracking parameters such as UTM codes or campaign codes. tracking meta ad

Managing Media

The Media section allows you to select and manage the media assets for each specific placement of your ad. This ensures that your ad looks its best on different platforms and devices.

⚠️ Warning: any media added or modified in Marvia will overwrite the corresponding media in Meta Ads Manager.

Managing media for different placements

  1. Navigate to the "Media" section in your ad
  2. If media was set up in the campaign on Meta, you can view the current image by clicking on it. 
  3. Click the action menu "(...)" of the desired placement to change its media: 
    1. Insert template: browse the available templates in Marvia
    2. Upload file: click "Upload file" to select an image or video from your device

      adding media

Tips for setting destination and tracking 

  • Use clear and concise URLs: Make sure your destination URL is easy to read and understand.
  • Test your tracking parameters: Test your tracking parameters by testing your ad.
  • Use relevant tracking parameters: Track the metrics that are important to your business goals.