How do I manage opt-in/opt-out settings?

Learn how to set up and manage opt-in or opt-out options for your social campaign participants.


When creating a social campaign, you can choose how locations can participate:

  • None: All selected locations participate automatically
  • Opt-in: Locations must actively choose to participate
  • Opt-out: Locations participate by default but can choose to withdraw

opt-in or opt outSetting Up Participation Options

  1. When creating a campaign, choose the participation option under the "Workflow" section.
  2. When choosing opt-in/opt-out, you must specify a deadline date/time for participation decisions.
  3. A suggested notification message is shown, which you can adapt based on your preferences. You can use variables for personalization using the {  } icon.  
    Example: "Dear {Location name}, please confirm your participation..." 
  4. The opted-in / opted-out list shows the current status of all users. You can use the search functionality to find a specific user in the list.

overview opted in or out
Additional Tips

  • Write clear expectations in the messages
  • Explain the consequences of non-response
  • Maintain a consistent opt-in/opt-out approach to avoid confusion
  • Regularly review and update your opted-in and opted-out lists.